Gifting & Sponsored Content Policy

I take immense pride in my work and in the quality of the content I produce.  In accordance with my promise to my readers to bring them honest posts, the following Terms & Conditions are set forth below to all brands seeking to send me products:


1. Gifted Items

If you would like to offer a free product or service (“Product Gifting”), whether for review or to style and post on Chasing the Seasons blog and/or related social media, the Product Gifting policy is as follows:

I reserve the right to decide if and when to feature a gifted product/service in a blog post or on social media.  By sending the item(s) to me you agree that I am under no obligation;

I may, or may not, post about the item in whatever context I deem appropriate, and within my own time frame, unless otherwise agreed upon;

If/when a gifted product appears in a blog post it will be identified as a gifted item in the post, if it appears in a social media post I will similarly disclose that the item was provided as same;

Any links included in a blog post will be “no follow” in accordance with Google’s guidelines about paid links, whether “payment” was via a gifted item/service or monetary compensation.  Please click here to read about Google’s Link Schemes;

By sending the items to me you agree that any returns or collections of unsuitable items will be at your own expense;

If gifted product(s) are sent to me without warning or my prior consent, all the above terms still apply; and

A collaboration that requires a guaranteed blog/social media exposure (or any other requests like specific keywords or links) is considered sponsored content and is a chargeable service – as outlined in paragraph 2 below;

2. Sponsored Content

Sponsored content is not a guarantee unless both parties are in full agreement.  I will only consider endorsing products and services that I believe in, personally use, or are similar to products/services that I use.

Fees for a blog post feature, social media exposure or similar:

The fee quoted will reflect the time needed for recipe development, styling, photography and editing, and the level of exposure required, and will be quoted based on those requirements.  Please request a quote by emailing with full details of what is required.

Terms and conditions are subject to change at any time.