• homemade sorbet
    Spring,  Summer

    Strawberry Sorbet

    “With just 2 essential ingredients, strawberries and sugar, you can make this incredibly luscious and simple homemade sorbet to celebrate the strawberry harvest.” Homemade strawberry sorbet is easier to make than you might think. With strawberries at the height of their season right now, you’re sure to find them in abundance at the farm markets and in the local produce section of your supermarket. Ripe strawberries are the ones you’ll want to use – the ones that are deep, dark red and heavy with juice. The more ripe the strawberry, the more flavor the sorbet.

  • Italian meatballs
    All Seasons

    Homemade Meatballs

    Homemade meatballs hold a revered place in American cuisine, much like they do in Italy.  There is a difference though.  While we cherish a plate of spaghetti and meatballs in the U.S., it’s not something you will likely find together in traditional Italian households or restaurants in Italy. Though I’ll never turn my nose up at meatballs served with pasta.  I grew up in northern New Jersey with pasta and meatballs as a Sunday staple, and we carry that Italian-American tradition into our own home now, too.  I make my meatballs the way my grandmother did:  soaking breadcrumbs in milk, using a beef, pork and veal mixture, and following two…

  • wild fermented bread
    All Seasons

    Overnight Sourdough Bread

    Prepare the dough at night, bake it in the morning. The rise happens while you sleep. “The beauty of sourdough bread is that no two loaves are ever exactly the same.” Light and airy with a dark, crispy crust, a crumb with a creamy texture and a superb mouthfeel – this simple, overnight sourdough bread recipe might be the only one you’ll ever want. This is an easy and simple sourdough bread recipe, especially helpful if you’re a beginner and new to sourdough bread baking.  We’re not using starter when it’s active and at its peak.  Instead, we’re going to use a slightly hungry starter – one that is just…

  • Easy Gingerbread Recipe
    Autumn,  Winter

    Mrs. Hamilton’s Gingerbread Cake (1943)

    I recently came across a recipe tin at my local antique shop, filled with handwritten desserts, delicate newspaper clippings, and a small bundle of stickers scripted with “from the kitchen of Mrs. Hamilton” still waiting to be used. The tin is dated 1943.  Mrs. Hamilton scripted her full name and the quaint town in Massachusetts in which she resided, tucking this bit of information into the underside of the lid.  It’s as if she knew this tin would find its way to someone else one day, and she offered a brief nod to the future. While it appears Mrs. Hamilton had a particular fancy for chiffon cakes, I sought her…