This cranberry sauce recipe combines fresh cranberries with orange and vanilla, allowing for modifications in thickness. It can be prepared in advance or last-minute, served at room temperature, and adjusted for consistency as needed.
Don’t like Brussels sprouts? You’re not alone. I read somewhere that Brussels sprouts are the most disliked vegetable in all of America and Britain.
Today was a rainy, chilly day – a cozy socks and soup kind of day. Nothing is more comforting than a hot pot of chicken soup piping away on the burner. I stopped at the farm market and picked up potatoes, carrots, leeks and kale. Adding these vegetables to my soup brings home the flavors of the rain-soaked fields and turns them into a soul satisfying harvest soup.
We spent a quiet morning in the fields. The aroma of wood-smoke and warm cider hung heavy in the air. The soil was damp from the nighttime frost, so we wore our boots and walked carefully over the tangled vines that hugged tight to the earth. Pumpkins, sweet gourds, and butternut squash dotted the field in varying shades of sienna and burnt-umber. One squash was so plump I had to carefully scoop it up and carry it on my hip like a baby; others were quite heavier and so we carted them about in rickety barrows. My heart belongs to this season. The aromas, the colors, the change. We pluck…