• hot chocolate
    Autumn,  Winter

    Cioccolata Calda (Italian Hot Chocolate)

    “…like the perfumed beans from the coffee stall on the market… a smoky, burned flavor that enters my mouth somehow and makes it water.  There is a silver jug of the stuff on the counter, from which a vapor rises…” –Joanne Harris, Chocolat I channel my inner Vianne Rocher when I prepare this magical molten elixir (if you’ve seen the movie Chocolat, you’ll understand).  Cioccolata calda is an Italian hot chocolate – though I liken it more to a winter’s night potion, its warm swallow and intoxicating richness coursing into my soul.

  • stuffing
    Autumn,  Winter

    Rustic Sausage, Apple and Cranberry Stuffing (make-ahead)

    Whether you call it “stuffing” like us in the north, or “dressing” (likely to consist of delicious cornbread) like my southern friends, or “filling” like those located somewhere around and in-between, we can all agree that no Thanksgiving table is complete without it. In my Rustic Sausage, Apple and Cranberry Stuffing, we’ll use day old rustic bread, hand-picked apples, local sweet Italian sausage, and plump ruby-red cranberries that come together (the night before the big day) in a gentle perfume of sage and rosemary – along with a good measure of butter, always butter.

  • candy apples
    Autumn,  Winter

    Maple and Bourbon Candy Apples

    Since we are deep into autumn and the apples are plenty, I wanted to share an easy recipe for candy apples with a grown-up twist.  These maple and bourbon candy apples were initially intended as an Instagram photo only, as the recipe was a whim after I had made a batch of traditional candy apples for my children.  However, after several requests for the recipe, I decided to create a quick and short post to share these delicious glass-like beauties with you.

  • pork chops and apples

    Pork Chops and Apples in White Wine Pan Sauce

    “Listen! The wind is rising, and the air is wild with leaves, We have had our summer evenings, now for October eves!” ― Humbert Wolfe October afternoons often lead us to the apple orchard.  While we’re fortunate to live near several beautiful orchards, we tend to visit the one with the freshly pressed cider and the hot roasted cobs of corn the most. The short ride home is filled with requests for apple crumble, baked apples and candy apples.  Of course, I’m happy to oblige any of those delicious requests.  Though for me, I’m most drawn to apples used in savory dishes, like this pork chops and apples in white wine…

  • potato soup
    Autumn,  Winter

    Potato and Apple Soup

    I can feel summer dying into autumn and I’m pining for both – holding still to warm, sunny days and longing for the promises of Fall. If you follow me, you’ve heard me say it once or twice already – I love when the turning of the seasons is palpable. So while we are currently in the throes of an Indian Summer, the leaves show signs of autumn, falling in hues of burnt orange and amber, the roadside corn is beginning to dry out into crisp stalks of tan and brown, and the once proud sunflower fields are slumped with their tired heads hanging low.